Friday, February 26, 2010


This is Bo, Josh's lab chewing a rawhide bone with Doodle, my "other" Yorkie. You all have seen my sweet baby Molly quite a few times but I have not said much about Doodle. I have had Yorkies for the past 15 years, mostly because they don't shed. My first Yorkie was Taxi...male, that was so hyper it was like living with a Mexican jumping bean. He turned out to be a good dog except that he liked to get out and roam. He finally roamed into the path of a car and was smashed. I cried and cried. I buried him in the back yard along with 50 other pets we have lost over the years. Put his little doggie bowls over his grave and made him a head stone with his name on it. I did not crave another pet for about a year and then I got the itch again. So Paul and I started reading the papers and finally found a listing for a female Yorkie...IN WAYNESBORO TENNESSEE!!! Good Lord...why not Egypt? But we called the guy and he gave us direction to his "puppy farm" it turned out to be and we headed out one Saturday afternoon. Did I mention that is was freezing buttholing cold? Well after we had driven about 40 miles I got the urge to pee. I had really done well not having to go before that many miles had passed. So our conversation went like this:
Me: well I gotta pee!
Paul: here?
Me: well yea
Paul: can you not wait?
Me: No i don't think so....we have driven 40 miles and no telling how much further it is and then we have to drive back the 40+ miles, so no I don't think I can wait.
Paul: well I will have to pull off the road.
Me: Fine
So he finds a secluded spot and he pulls over. Remember it is freezing cold. I go to the front of the truck and begin my business. I leaned up against the bumper of the truck and peed. All is well. UNTIL I started to pull up my pants. My butt was stuck to the bumper. I started beating on the front of the truck and yelling for Paul to "come here". He starts blowing the horn...why...I don't know. THEN he turns on the lights. Why... I don't know!!! A car passes but luckily it keeps going. Finally after about five minutes of me beating on the bumper and him blowing the horn and flashing the lights, he gets out to see what is wrong. I tell him my butt is stuck on the bumper. Being the "sweetheart" that he is, he starts trying to pull me off the bumper. I thought my whole butt skin was going to tear off. I screamed, "will you stop doing that"!!! He said, "well what do you want me to do?" I said "well blow on me!. So like an idiot he tries that. It didn't work. By now I am getting really worried. I could see him driving down the road with me stuck on the front of the truck with my britches down around my knees. Finally he says,"well now I gotta pee." I said well don't lean on the bumper." He says, " I don't think I will have to do that, I am a guy." Lucky YOU. Then it hit me!!!! I said, "wait!....Pee on my butt!" He said, " are you nuts"? I said, 'well do you have any other ideas?" So he squirted a line in that direction, freed my butt, we got on our way, found the place, bought Doodle and headed home. On the way home, Paul says, "you beat all you know that?" I said, "yea well I can't help it." Doodle is a sweet dog and we love her to death....even though every time we look at her, it reminds us of another "weird" time in our life together.

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