Sunday, February 7, 2010

Angel Among Us

This is Faye Moon. She is the closest thing to a real live saint you will ever see on this earth. I have never seen this woman angry...and she had six kids. Can you imagine having six kids and not ever being ticked? She raised those kids to be responsible, hard working, God fearing adults. She made their growing up years as sweet and happy as any child could ever be. They all lived in a three bedroom house in Centre Alabama. The four boys slept in one bedroom and the two girls slept in another. They had one bathroom. How would you like living in a house of eight people and one bathroom.? They did live close to the woods so I am sure the boys took advantage of that, especially when the girls had to fix their hair. Come to think of it, knowing those girls, they probably hit the woods a time or two themselves. Mamaw cooked breakfast and dinner every day of her life, even though she burnt the kitchen down one time, they let her keep on cooking. Always made "sorry" biscuits and we all had to force them down. Never made a cake or pie that there wasn't something wrong with it...according to her. She still cooks dinner (lunch) for some of her kids and grandkids who come by from work. Always there for anyone who ever needed her. All I ever had to do was pick up the phone and say Mamaw could you...... and she was here. Her Bible is worn and ragged and I am sure if you looked by her bed, you would find two worn places where her knees fit perfectly.
I have been in this family for 37 years and Mamaw has always been the very best person I have ever known. She is the strength of our family. My life has been better just by knowing her. I wish I could have been the mother and especially the mother inlaw she has been.
We take for granted the love and the dedication our mothers give to us during the days when we are children. Even when we become adults, we think Mama will always be there and we let time go by without ever saying what they have meant to our lives. So Mamaw I want you and everybody to know how much you have meant to all of us. We will rise up and call you a very blessed woman, friend and mother. Love you Mamaw.

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