Monday, February 1, 2010

Home Again Home Again

Got home this afternoon from Josh and Kimmie's home in Montgomery, Alabama. I love to kick around with those two. Josh and I are always cracking and laughing and Kimmie is always just smiling her sweet smile and thinking something is really wrong but she loves us anyway. We did the Pampered Chef party and visited the Lanark house. But mostly we just hung out....fooling around there at the house.
I get to listen to Josh on the radio talk show everyday when I am down there. He does a very good job with that show. We are really proud of him. I just wish he would grow some hair. I don't understand it....bald men trying to grow hair and men with hair, shaving it off. Nuts! When I talk about Josh's hair, it always reminds me of the time a bird took a dump on top of his head when he was a little boy. I went nuts. I wonder if that maybe warped him and he decided to shave his head. He may need therapy....we will check into that and I will keep you posted on his progress.
When I got home tonight I had supper with Adam and then I stopped by to see my dad who could talk the ears off a Billy Goat. He had lots to tell me about his bowling, shooting pool, square dancing and his basic running around. He is a busy man for 80 years old....or any age actually.
Talked to my sisters and my youngest son Joey. Only person I missed was my brother who has started back to work after a year and a half vacation from his job of teaching P.E. Another wacko story. We will cover that later.
Tune in to Josh if you is very entertaining. I think it is TALKRADIO 740 on your browser and then find Doug and Josh on the Roundtable. If that is not right....I don't know what to tell you....but you are missing a good talk show. Dig around and look for it.

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