Friday, March 5, 2010

This is the farm house we built four years ago. We have been out there on this property for about 8 years. We kept the horses in the pasture and used the barn before we ever owned the property. Paul and I used to go out there on the weekends and ride the horses and "clear the land". When we first took the horses out there, the front of the barn was so grown up we had to cut a path to reach the barn. There was a old farm house that stood in the exact same spot where our little farm house stands now. The people living there were renting from the same person who let us keep our horses in the pasture. That is another story. After we finally bought the place,we tried to save the old farm house and make adjustments but it was to far gone. Paul and I had started clearing out the house and tearing out the ceilings and floor but It was just a mess! After we tore out a place in the floor of one of the bedrooms and found all the floor joists were rotted, we closed it up and decided to burn it down and start over. Called the local fire department and they came out and doused the house with diesel fuel, I think it was, and Paul went in and set the old house on fire. That sucker went up like a rolling prairie fire. Even burned down a huge old oak tree that was standing close by the side of the house. Rats, snakes, possums and all kinds of things were running from the house. Glad we decided to start over. No telling what was living in that place. Some really great friends of Paul's came out and bulldozed everything into this great big hole that they dug out in the pasture. They scooped everything up and dumped it in that hole and covered it up. Then they smoothed out the pad where the old house had been and the new one was going to be built. Actually the new farm house is a two story double car garage with the inside finished. The garage builders came out and threw the shell of the house up in three days. Then Paul started calling around for folks to finish the inside. We had to have the plumber, then the concrete folks, then the insulation done, then the dry wall folks, then the painter-me, and the electrician and the heating and cooling folks. We never had any problem with people coming and doing their job when they were supposed to. I have always heard to build a house and contract your own workers was a pain in the butt. I am amazed to say that everything went well for us in that department. Paul and I put down all the flooring. I even laid the ceramic tile in the bathrooms. We used the snap together wood floors for the rest of the house. It turned out really cute. I love to be out there and sit on the front porch swing. I put that swing up as soon as there was a front porch to put it on. It is full of furniture that we found or took from the house in Decatur. I didn't think I would ever have enough stuff, but I did. Seems like you don't need as much stuff as you think you do. After I cleaned out my main house I had plenty to go out at the farm. We love to be out there and just putter around doing things in the pasture or with the horses. We are lucky to have the farm house and I think about that every day.

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