Monday, March 15, 2010

Where Is Warmer Weather?

This is me sitting by the river....smothering. Got a drink in my hand and my cool umbrella to help me endure the heat. So where is the sprinkling of warmer days we are so accustom to during this time of the year. These rainy, dreary,cold days are getting me down. I love the summer when we don't have to take an extra thirty minutes to get "coated" up before going outside just to get the mail. When we can wear very few clothes and still be "to hot". And when we can have a beer "or twelve" to cool us off after working in the yard, taking a walk down the street or just sitting out in the back yard, sweating. It is cool to go riding in the boat on the river, float on a float, or just sit by the river and smell the fish... maybe wet a hook. I love to grill out with the family. We grill everything from steak to shrimp to hot dogs....make home made ice cream. You can't make ice cream in the cold is un-American. Oh yea and watching Tooter play t-ball. It is not summer without a little baseball thrown in. Well I am dreaming about warmer weather today and had to share.

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