Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Moldy Cross Stitch

Remember back in the 80's when everyone was doing cross stitching? I had something going all the time. I think that is where my neck problems started....always "hunkered" over a piece of material stitching. I did several pictures and hung them every where in the house. I did pictures for people who didn't even want a cross stitch. What made me think people would want something like that hanging in their houses? Nuts. I even made stuff for my there is a thrilling present for a boy.
This thing is a calendar I did for Christmas one year for the boys. It has a cross stitched reindeer at the top and then I stitched the dates below with these little white rings. I hung Life Savers on the rings. The idea being that the boys were supposed to take a piece of candy off each day until Christmas Eve so they would know how close it was until Christmas. They liked it even though they were not so crazy about Life Savers candy.
WE dug this picture out of the closet the other day and I evidently had put it away with the candy still on it. I was showing it around and everybody wanted to know what that green stuff was....guess!!

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