Monday, March 22, 2010

Heaven Or Not?

Lately I have been bombarded from all sorts of different places and people about there NOT being a God or life after death. I happened to watch some woman on HBO the other day talking about "not believing" in God any more. Any more??? She had been raised in the Catholic church and somewhere along the way decided there was - No God. I was "plumb" depressed for three days after I watched that. I have always believed in God and heaven and all that jazz. Why wouldn't you? What good is it to believe there is no God? I don't understand it. Even if there was no God...why would anyone want to believe that? How would you get through crap in your life? There has to be hope for people to carry on daily life. Hope.
I want to believe that I will see the people that I have loved in my life, who have passed on. I may not, but I want to believe that. People ask, if there is a God, why would He let all these bad things happen? Like life is supposed to be a picnic every day. I, of course, have wondered that too but I believe the world was "set up" in a way that does not permit God to interfere with certain things. I do believe that He does step in where and whenever He is able to. Thus, coincidences, miracles, etc.
The whole world is nuts over religion and beliefs. I am not religious and have become a calmer and "less" stressed person for coming to those decisions. I don't care what you believe or don't believe and I don't mean to project the idea that I do. Most people do whatever they think is best for that particular time in their lives according to the circumstances they have experienced along their "path". believe or not....a so much of life is....a choice.

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