Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tooter and Soccer

Last night I went to Tooter's soccer game. It was one of many games going on at Point Mallard Park. His third game and my first. I loved it! I don't know much about soccer. All I knew to holler was "kick it"!!! I am sure the folks next to us thought I was an idiot but I enjoyed "root root rooting" for my team.

Tooter looked really professional in his soccer duds and played a lot better than I thought he would. He actually ran up and down the field and managed to get several kicks in. This may be the game that supports his talent and above all his interest. He keeps saying he is going to play football and be a quarterback...and he might....he sure loves to fall and roll around on the ground. I think he needs to play the tuba in the band. He just looks like a tuba player to me. At least he might not end up with broken bones for nothing. I am going to keep encouraging the tuba whether he likes it or not. And maybe soccer!

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