Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall Is Not Good

Hello Moonblogger Fans....

I can't believe it has been 3 months since I posted a blog. Where does the time go? I will tell you my saggin butt, neck, face, waving arm flab and spongy looking legs. That's where. Seems like summer just got started and wham it is over. Had a really busy summer trying to keep grass cut everywhere. But had a good time too on the river and playing around.

Leaves....I love long as they stay on the trees. Falling leaves get on my nerves so bad I could spit nails. Work yo butt off all day raking and next morning they are right back. Leaves used to be all "sucked" up by Thanksgiving so you could get Christmas lights and decorations out on the lawn and bushes. For the past several years I have been putting my wreaths out on top of dead brown leaves. I hate that! Why can't there just be a day that they all just....fall off! Why does it drag out like that?

People running around saying "oh I just love the is the smells! Makes me want to puke. First of all there are those leaves cluttering up the whole town, then that cooler weather turns into FREEZE YO BUTT OFF COLD, and it smells like someone has farted a fire ball...cause everybody has those fire pits flaming and they all are standing around the things trying to get warm drinking beer trying to be cool. And football....all them goofy car flags flying on folk's windows.....grow up. Get yourself a good old fashion bumper sticker that says My Kid Was Inmate Of The Month. Fall....worst time of the year besides winter.

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