Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nose Rings

I have my ears pierced....ONE hole in each ear....not half a dozen going up and down my entire ear. Clip earrings cut the circulation off in my ear lobes. I hate clip earrings. Women have worn ear "bobs", as my mother called them, forever. So why are we all in an uproar over nose, eyebrow, tongue and boob piercings???? Here is the way most people think about those:
Nose: Boogers and slimy snot stuck all over the stud or ring. How do you blow your nose without blowing your ring off?
Tongue: How do you lick an ice cream cone without making little valley's in the ice cream? How do you kiss without making little clanking noises on the other person's teeth? How do you quote Peter Piper without busting out your own teeth?
Eyebrow: For those of us who "pluck" I can't imagine putting a hole in my eyebrow. And how do you "pluck" around that ring? Plus eyebrow rings are usually all puffed up and and looks like you have been in a fight.
Boob: Or Nipple Rings!!!! I cannot begin to imagine why anyone would want that area pierced. You want a thrill....nurse a baby. Most people wear shirts so no one can see it. Might be cute though to pierce your nipples, and your nose, run a chain through both and then every time you shake your head, your boobs would flop up and down.
Next comes whether we should allow kids to come to school with these areas pierced. Is it a matter of safety? Could be if it is gang related. Is it sanitary? Only if the kid takes a bath...still not to sure about the nose ring. Does it keep them from being Honor Students? It shouldn't but probably does. Is it a cry for attention? Probably!! Does it benefit anything? NO May be like it was in my day when men/boys were expected to take their hats off when they entered a building. RESPECT!! Is it disrespectful to wear your rings and studs? Or is it just different and most people don't handle "different" very well.

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