Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crying Babies

Last night Chip and I went to eat at the Cracker Barrel. I don't know if it was Kid's Night Out or what but the place was running over with children and babies. Babies in high chairs and those little swinging know the "punkin seats" with handles on them to carry it. I hate those things. People don't pay attention to what they are doing swinging that thing with the baby sitting inside. First of all it is sort of bundlesom and heavy so the carrier is in a strain to start with swinging it and bumping it against their legs...not to mention bumping it into whatever else they pass. Little Leroy is being jarred to death and no one is even aware of it. Parents, pay attention to what you are doing or at least get the baby a Crush Helmet so he doesn't have brain damage from being banged around. Good Lord!
Well anyway back to the restaruant....I have never heard so much squalling since I took my kids to school for the first day. Every year on the first day of school my boys had a squalling fit when I left them at school....(it got pretty embarrassing when they got to Austin High School too). So again, back at the restaraunt (I keep getting sidetracked) these babies were howling all through the meal. I am not one to be put out by a crying baby except that I think they need to be tended to. Evidently something is bothering the child.....DO SOMETHING! You could actually pick them up and hold them or even take them outside for a minute. No one will take your food away while you are gone. At least find out what the problem is. He might have a gas ball and just needs to be moved around a little. People kill me sitting there, continuing to eat, oblivious to their screaming kid while the whole restaraunt is gawking at them wondering when anyone is going to do something about the child's meltdown. I don't understand it. Now I am not talking about a little "boo hoo" that lasts maybe a minute....I am talking about that constant bellowing that lasts all through the meal. This baby, last night, cried the whole time we were in there with one or two small breaks. I feel sorry for the child....not the parents. I wanted to go over and pick him up myself. I have to say I think the parents who ignore such situations are idiots. What do they do at home....hmmmm??

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