Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I know this picture is blurry but it just cracks me up. Brings back so many memories of when my boys were little. Why is it little boys love to take a whizz outside? I have three boys and any time they could hang it out and pee out side that is what they would do. Jump out of the car in the driveway with the bathroom just a couple of steps away and they always ran to a tree instead. My youngest son and my nephew, whom we called Nitro and Glycerin, like to draw pictures in the dirt with their stream. It got really creative. They had contests to see who could pee the fartherest, the straightest, the most, no hands, and who could guess what picture they had drawn. And the fun was endless when it snowed. This was so entertaining, I don't know why we even bought toys.
By the way, the names Nitro and Glycerin, they were o.k. when apart but when you put them together, it was a disaster.
Tooter and Soccer
Tooter looked really professional in his soccer duds and played a lot better than I thought he would. He actually ran up and down the field and managed to get several kicks in. This may be the game that supports his talent and above all his interest. He keeps saying he is going to play football and be a quarterback...and he might....he sure loves to fall and roll around on the ground. I think he needs to play the tuba in the band. He just looks like a tuba player to me. At least he might not end up with broken bones for nothing. I am going to keep encouraging the tuba whether he likes it or not. And maybe soccer!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Trail of Tears Ride
This past weekend was the traditional motorcycle ride to Waterloo in honor of all the Native Americans that were herded away from their homes to reservations and such. I think. I do know that Indians were gathered up and moved to Oklahoma so as not to cause any trouble for the white men that were taking over their land. Once a year, everybody gets on a motorcycle and rides all day to the Waterloo destination in memory of all the suffering, dying, and hardships that were endured by the Indians. I think you are supposed to say Native Americans but I always liked the word Indian. Makes me think of coal black hair, feathers, loin clothes, teepees and beads. I went through an Indian phase where I wore clothes and decorated my house in Indian decor. I like Indian names. We even made up a few Indian names for our family...for sister who is skinny, she is called Walks On Sticks. My name is Blowing can imagine why. A few others are Flying Buzzard, Rising Moon, Cheeks On Fire, etc.
My sister-in-law and her husband traveled from Centre Alabama this past Saturday to Waterloo. They left at 6:30 in the morning and rode along with hundreds of other motorcycle riders for this event. On their way back they stopped at the cabin late Saturday afternoon and spent the night with us.
My sister-in-law and her husband traveled from Centre Alabama this past Saturday to Waterloo. They left at 6:30 in the morning and rode along with hundreds of other motorcycle riders for this event. On their way back they stopped at the cabin late Saturday afternoon and spent the night with us.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Crying Babies
Last night Chip and I went to eat at the Cracker Barrel. I don't know if it was Kid's Night Out or what but the place was running over with children and babies. Babies in high chairs and those little swinging know the "punkin seats" with handles on them to carry it. I hate those things. People don't pay attention to what they are doing swinging that thing with the baby sitting inside. First of all it is sort of bundlesom and heavy so the carrier is in a strain to start with swinging it and bumping it against their legs...not to mention bumping it into whatever else they pass. Little Leroy is being jarred to death and no one is even aware of it. Parents, pay attention to what you are doing or at least get the baby a Crush Helmet so he doesn't have brain damage from being banged around. Good Lord!
Well anyway back to the restaruant....I have never heard so much squalling since I took my kids to school for the first day. Every year on the first day of school my boys had a squalling fit when I left them at school....(it got pretty embarrassing when they got to Austin High School too). So again, back at the restaraunt (I keep getting sidetracked) these babies were howling all through the meal. I am not one to be put out by a crying baby except that I think they need to be tended to. Evidently something is bothering the child.....DO SOMETHING! You could actually pick them up and hold them or even take them outside for a minute. No one will take your food away while you are gone. At least find out what the problem is. He might have a gas ball and just needs to be moved around a little. People kill me sitting there, continuing to eat, oblivious to their screaming kid while the whole restaraunt is gawking at them wondering when anyone is going to do something about the child's meltdown. I don't understand it. Now I am not talking about a little "boo hoo" that lasts maybe a minute....I am talking about that constant bellowing that lasts all through the meal. This baby, last night, cried the whole time we were in there with one or two small breaks. I feel sorry for the child....not the parents. I wanted to go over and pick him up myself. I have to say I think the parents who ignore such situations are idiots. What do they do at home....hmmmm??
Well anyway back to the restaruant....I have never heard so much squalling since I took my kids to school for the first day. Every year on the first day of school my boys had a squalling fit when I left them at school....(it got pretty embarrassing when they got to Austin High School too). So again, back at the restaraunt (I keep getting sidetracked) these babies were howling all through the meal. I am not one to be put out by a crying baby except that I think they need to be tended to. Evidently something is bothering the child.....DO SOMETHING! You could actually pick them up and hold them or even take them outside for a minute. No one will take your food away while you are gone. At least find out what the problem is. He might have a gas ball and just needs to be moved around a little. People kill me sitting there, continuing to eat, oblivious to their screaming kid while the whole restaraunt is gawking at them wondering when anyone is going to do something about the child's meltdown. I don't understand it. Now I am not talking about a little "boo hoo" that lasts maybe a minute....I am talking about that constant bellowing that lasts all through the meal. This baby, last night, cried the whole time we were in there with one or two small breaks. I feel sorry for the child....not the parents. I wanted to go over and pick him up myself. I have to say I think the parents who ignore such situations are idiots. What do they do at home....hmmmm??
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Nose Rings
I have my ears pierced....ONE hole in each ear....not half a dozen going up and down my entire ear. Clip earrings cut the circulation off in my ear lobes. I hate clip earrings. Women have worn ear "bobs", as my mother called them, forever. So why are we all in an uproar over nose, eyebrow, tongue and boob piercings???? Here is the way most people think about those:
Nose: Boogers and slimy snot stuck all over the stud or ring. How do you blow your nose without blowing your ring off?
Tongue: How do you lick an ice cream cone without making little valley's in the ice cream? How do you kiss without making little clanking noises on the other person's teeth? How do you quote Peter Piper without busting out your own teeth?
Eyebrow: For those of us who "pluck" I can't imagine putting a hole in my eyebrow. And how do you "pluck" around that ring? Plus eyebrow rings are usually all puffed up and and looks like you have been in a fight.
Boob: Or Nipple Rings!!!! I cannot begin to imagine why anyone would want that area pierced. You want a thrill....nurse a baby. Most people wear shirts so no one can see it. Might be cute though to pierce your nipples, and your nose, run a chain through both and then every time you shake your head, your boobs would flop up and down.
Next comes whether we should allow kids to come to school with these areas pierced. Is it a matter of safety? Could be if it is gang related. Is it sanitary? Only if the kid takes a bath...still not to sure about the nose ring. Does it keep them from being Honor Students? It shouldn't but probably does. Is it a cry for attention? Probably!! Does it benefit anything? NO May be like it was in my day when men/boys were expected to take their hats off when they entered a building. RESPECT!! Is it disrespectful to wear your rings and studs? Or is it just different and most people don't handle "different" very well.
Nose: Boogers and slimy snot stuck all over the stud or ring. How do you blow your nose without blowing your ring off?
Tongue: How do you lick an ice cream cone without making little valley's in the ice cream? How do you kiss without making little clanking noises on the other person's teeth? How do you quote Peter Piper without busting out your own teeth?
Eyebrow: For those of us who "pluck" I can't imagine putting a hole in my eyebrow. And how do you "pluck" around that ring? Plus eyebrow rings are usually all puffed up and and looks like you have been in a fight.
Boob: Or Nipple Rings!!!! I cannot begin to imagine why anyone would want that area pierced. You want a thrill....nurse a baby. Most people wear shirts so no one can see it. Might be cute though to pierce your nipples, and your nose, run a chain through both and then every time you shake your head, your boobs would flop up and down.
Next comes whether we should allow kids to come to school with these areas pierced. Is it a matter of safety? Could be if it is gang related. Is it sanitary? Only if the kid takes a bath...still not to sure about the nose ring. Does it keep them from being Honor Students? It shouldn't but probably does. Is it a cry for attention? Probably!! Does it benefit anything? NO May be like it was in my day when men/boys were expected to take their hats off when they entered a building. RESPECT!! Is it disrespectful to wear your rings and studs? Or is it just different and most people don't handle "different" very well.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Mom's Birthday
September 6 (no year) was my birthday so tonight two of my wonderful sons made dinner for me. Josh lives in Montgomery so he couldn't be here....only in our hearts and thoughts of course. Joey and Adam cooked roast with potatoes, carrots, onions, and mushrooms. Adam even cooked fried corn....cut the little suckers off the cob and everything. I was impressed. Ain't they handsome?
Labor Day
The most fun Tooter had was when Papaw was teaching him how to strike matches and throw them on a pile of leaves to burn. I never knew that "match striking" was so important but to Tooter it was the greatest thing since toilet paper.
It was a cool weekend. The water was to cold for me and Dump and Flo to float. Needs to be hot water for us old girls. We did karaoke one night and that was very entertaining....some folks actually believe they can sing....funny. All in all it was a fun weekend.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Fall Is Not Good
Hello Moonblogger Fans....
I can't believe it has been 3 months since I posted a blog. Where does the time go? I will tell you my saggin butt, neck, face, waving arm flab and spongy looking legs. That's where. Seems like summer just got started and wham it is over. Had a really busy summer trying to keep grass cut everywhere. But had a good time too on the river and playing around.
Leaves....I love long as they stay on the trees. Falling leaves get on my nerves so bad I could spit nails. Work yo butt off all day raking and next morning they are right back. Leaves used to be all "sucked" up by Thanksgiving so you could get Christmas lights and decorations out on the lawn and bushes. For the past several years I have been putting my wreaths out on top of dead brown leaves. I hate that! Why can't there just be a day that they all just....fall off! Why does it drag out like that?
People running around saying "oh I just love the is the smells! Makes me want to puke. First of all there are those leaves cluttering up the whole town, then that cooler weather turns into FREEZE YO BUTT OFF COLD, and it smells like someone has farted a fire ball...cause everybody has those fire pits flaming and they all are standing around the things trying to get warm drinking beer trying to be cool. And football....all them goofy car flags flying on folk's windows.....grow up. Get yourself a good old fashion bumper sticker that says My Kid Was Inmate Of The Month. Fall....worst time of the year besides winter.
I can't believe it has been 3 months since I posted a blog. Where does the time go? I will tell you my saggin butt, neck, face, waving arm flab and spongy looking legs. That's where. Seems like summer just got started and wham it is over. Had a really busy summer trying to keep grass cut everywhere. But had a good time too on the river and playing around.
Leaves....I love long as they stay on the trees. Falling leaves get on my nerves so bad I could spit nails. Work yo butt off all day raking and next morning they are right back. Leaves used to be all "sucked" up by Thanksgiving so you could get Christmas lights and decorations out on the lawn and bushes. For the past several years I have been putting my wreaths out on top of dead brown leaves. I hate that! Why can't there just be a day that they all just....fall off! Why does it drag out like that?
People running around saying "oh I just love the is the smells! Makes me want to puke. First of all there are those leaves cluttering up the whole town, then that cooler weather turns into FREEZE YO BUTT OFF COLD, and it smells like someone has farted a fire ball...cause everybody has those fire pits flaming and they all are standing around the things trying to get warm drinking beer trying to be cool. And football....all them goofy car flags flying on folk's windows.....grow up. Get yourself a good old fashion bumper sticker that says My Kid Was Inmate Of The Month. Fall....worst time of the year besides winter.
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