Today I went to eat lunch at school with Tooter. Good ole school lunch. Chicken nugs, taters and that wonderful broccoli we all love. Plus a big cup of hmmmmm pineapple bits. Then if you eat all your chicken nugs you can have a runny cup of orange sherbert. Makes my mouth water just to think of it all.
Remember the lunch tickets you had to buy in homeroom and hand over to the "lunch ticket taker upper" lady? Well no more! Now you just punch in your lunch number and viola you have
bought your lunch(provided Mom and Dad have put money in your account). We used to be so evil....we would split our lunch tickets in half - front from the back - and get two lunches for the price of one. It wasn't that we were that fond of the school lunches but rather the thrill of doing something so evil and not getting caught. They did evenutally catch on and stopped it. I am sure some of my class mates probably ended up in jail because of that little theft scheme.
And I remember the day we boycotted the lunch room food. We all brought our lunch. Those lunch ladies looked pitiful just standing behind the tray line with nothing to dipping or nothing going on. Food didn't get any better! Lost cause.
WE had real "live" plastic plates too. And real forks and spoons. Now they have throw away plates and forks. No spoons. Soup days are horrible to watch. We had tables with real "live" chairs. Now they have little round "pans" to sit on and I hope your butt ain't to big to sit on one. How things change. One thing that hasn't changed is the thrill of having someone, anyone, come to eat lunch with you at school. It is just good to know that while you are in this place called school, there are people who are still thinking of you and love you enough to come keep you company and take a chance on this wonderful school food. Tooter was thrilled that I had come today.