Monday, January 25, 2010

Tomorrow we are going to go to Logan's as a family and celebrate Lewis' birthday. Lewis is my nephew....sweetheart. He is now married to Shaina or Shirley as she is so lovingly nicknamed, as most people in our family are....nicknamed that is. It has been buttholing cold these past few weeks and I have not been out of the house much. Wore my long hanels every day and still had ice cubes hanging off my big ole butt. I could have made some tubs of ice cream using those ice cubes. Been working on baby burp towels at the farm. Worked on my scrapbook...mostly pictures of Tooter. By the way Tooter is sick every day that school is in session. He keeps wanting every one to see if his cheeks are warm. I am thinking we might need a trip to the hospital and a couple of shots just to make sure things are o.k. with him. I have been to B'ham twice so far this year to take my grand dogs home. Josh and Kimmie went to California to the Alabama football game (actually Josh was covering the game and Kimmie was sightseeing) so we got to babysit one of our grand dogs BO. He was really good. Molly my sweet baby Yorkie found out she could growl and snap at him and he would not step on her and crush her little bones, so she practiced that several times a day. Doodle, my other sweet middle sized Yorkie, slept through the whole ordeal as she usually does. If I can figure out how to add to this blog, I will do so. I have started watching AMercian Idol again this year. Already have one dude marked....the one from Boston who had cancer. What a voice!!!

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