Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Birthday

We,as in the family, all went to Logan's Steak House yesterday to celebrate Lewis' birthday. He is 25 years old. Man...wish I was 25 again and know what I know now. I would probably be a movie star or country singer (if I could sing). Anyway good time was had by all. The guest list included: Dump (Beckey) Tooter (Landon) Sox (Paul) Babe (Kim) Goob (Garry) Wad (Adam) Terabug (Tera) Chip (Joey) Flo (MaryBeth) Fredo (Daddy) Lewis, of course (Matt) and Shirley (Shaina). Most of the people we know have nicknames...If they don't, they soon will. Lewis had a "gig" in Muscle Shoals with his band afterwards and I heard did a mag' job. Love you Lewis

Me and Sox headed to Huntsville after the get together to shop a little and return some things. Sox had to have more Wife Beaters (tshirts for you regular folks) and socks. I had thrown out all his socks with holes in them, which turned out to be ALL OF THEM. You should see his drawers (bvd"s)...really blessed ones! Then we went to Ruby Tuesdays and had spinach dip and water...came home and ate Rolaids until we went to bed. Good to get old. What a night. hee hee

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