Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Figuring out the Blog Stuff

WEll I have all my blog posts mixed up trying to figure out how to create a blog and then post the thing.I sure don't want to confuse any of my followers and fans out there in blog land. But if you know me you are already confused...so work with it. Today is another cold January day and I have got the butt cubes again. Why would anyone complain about being to hot??? I hate to even open the door right now. Anyway been to the doctor this morning about my stomach. It is FAT but that is not the only problem. Seems to be a train wreck on the inside. I knew I should have gotten rid of Sox a long time ago....see,stress! I have all these ulcers and gangreen set up in my stomach. I am starting today trying to lose some weight. Yea...I will be keeping yall up on how well that is going. I am eating one small bowl of cereal right now. Going to eat some grilled chicken later. And then probably one small chocolate cake later this afternoon. Hate diets!

Going to go to the sleep apnea clinic tomorrow. Apparently since I snore a lot and am sleepy headed all day, they think I may be a "sleep apnick". I thought I was just lazy. Be sure to keep you posted on that event as well. I know this is way to exciting for most folks so I am trying to tone it down.

Then I am thinking about having my beard and mustache electronically removed....not professionally...I thought I might rigged up some light bulbs, wire and maybe a guitar string and do it myself. I thought if that Bama mom could tattoo her kids with that set up, surely it would work with chin hairs. Hopefully I will be able to let you know about this experiment as well. O.K. then....better get my day started. Going to Walmart with my camera, hoping to get a few good shots of the patrons there today.

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