Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Pampered Chef

My first Pampered Chef party today. My first thought was 'what are we going to eat'? Then it was 'what should I buy that is cheap' because this stuff is not a give away. Didn't want to look like a bum...but my cookware is mostly from Walmart and maybe Target, if I splurge. Most of my knives would not cut hot butter but you get used to it. I use my oven to hide things, so it would be safe to say I do not cook unless you call microwaving a Stoffer's frozen dinner, cooking. However, I did enjoy the PC party. I met some very nice ladies and a couple of real "cutie pie" toddlers. We had a really good blueberry dessert and Kimmie, my sweet daughter-in-law made a chocolate cheese ball....I took one bite and went out in the front yard and turned a flip....and in my condition, that was not easy. I did buy a cutting board, a food chopper and an egg separator. Impressive uh?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Visiting Josh and Kimmie

I can not begin to tell you how much fun I have had visiting my wonderful and talented son, Josh and his lovely and just as talented wife, Kimmie. Main thing is we have ate somewhere wonderful every night that I have been here. Olive Garden, Mimi's, and Cracker Barrel to mention a few. Tomorrow Kimmie is having a Pampered Chef party here at the house, where I hope to buy a few more kitchen essentials that will make me "look" like a really wonderful cook. I keep telling myself someday I might actually use some of the gadgets I have in my kitchen. I thought, by buying these things, it might make cooking more appealing to me. That has not happened. I would rather dig a six foot ditch than cook.
Anyway, Kimmie took me on a tour of the Old Historic Lanark Home that has been somewhat restored. So interesting. You could just feel the spirits moving around in that place. BOO!!!

The original Lanark home began as a log cabin built by Peyton Bibb in 1827. The house passed to the Hall family, who continued to enlarge and expand the original building. In the late 1920s, Dr. Charles Thigpen, Wiley Hill’s grandfather, purchased the property. It was then passed down through the generations to Wiley and Isabel, who tended, improved, and expanded Lanark, bringing it to its present state.

WE saw many interesting items that have been dug up out old farm tools, hand water pump, a real "butter house", a biscuit table with a hand turning dough smasher (you might should see the pictures that follow), an old ice chest, very old kitchen sink, claw foot bath tub, etc. The anvil was stolen so if you have any information regarding the anvil, please contact AWF. It was sitting on the rock under the tree where I am sitting in the following pictures.
Really interesting place. You should take a day and visit.

Kimmie, as you know, works out there in the "Big House" for Alabama Wildlife where she enjoys a wild life working on the magazine and lots of other exciting projects.
O.K. well more to come tomorrow. I know you can't wait to hear what I buy at the Pampered Chef party so come back!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Figuring out the Blog Stuff

WEll I have all my blog posts mixed up trying to figure out how to create a blog and then post the thing.I sure don't want to confuse any of my followers and fans out there in blog land. But if you know me you are already work with it. Today is another cold January day and I have got the butt cubes again. Why would anyone complain about being to hot??? I hate to even open the door right now. Anyway been to the doctor this morning about my stomach. It is FAT but that is not the only problem. Seems to be a train wreck on the inside. I knew I should have gotten rid of Sox a long time ago....see,stress! I have all these ulcers and gangreen set up in my stomach. I am starting today trying to lose some weight. Yea...I will be keeping yall up on how well that is going. I am eating one small bowl of cereal right now. Going to eat some grilled chicken later. And then probably one small chocolate cake later this afternoon. Hate diets!

Going to go to the sleep apnea clinic tomorrow. Apparently since I snore a lot and am sleepy headed all day, they think I may be a "sleep apnick". I thought I was just lazy. Be sure to keep you posted on that event as well. I know this is way to exciting for most folks so I am trying to tone it down.

Then I am thinking about having my beard and mustache electronically removed....not professionally...I thought I might rigged up some light bulbs, wire and maybe a guitar string and do it myself. I thought if that Bama mom could tattoo her kids with that set up, surely it would work with chin hairs. Hopefully I will be able to let you know about this experiment as well. O.K. then....better get my day started. Going to Walmart with my camera, hoping to get a few good shots of the patrons there today.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tomorrow we are going to go to Logan's as a family and celebrate Lewis' birthday. Lewis is my nephew....sweetheart. He is now married to Shaina or Shirley as she is so lovingly nicknamed, as most people in our family are....nicknamed that is. It has been buttholing cold these past few weeks and I have not been out of the house much. Wore my long hanels every day and still had ice cubes hanging off my big ole butt. I could have made some tubs of ice cream using those ice cubes. Been working on baby burp towels at the farm. Worked on my scrapbook...mostly pictures of Tooter. By the way Tooter is sick every day that school is in session. He keeps wanting every one to see if his cheeks are warm. I am thinking we might need a trip to the hospital and a couple of shots just to make sure things are o.k. with him. I have been to B'ham twice so far this year to take my grand dogs home. Josh and Kimmie went to California to the Alabama football game (actually Josh was covering the game and Kimmie was sightseeing) so we got to babysit one of our grand dogs BO. He was really good. Molly my sweet baby Yorkie found out she could growl and snap at him and he would not step on her and crush her little bones, so she practiced that several times a day. Doodle, my other sweet middle sized Yorkie, slept through the whole ordeal as she usually does. If I can figure out how to add to this blog, I will do so. I have started watching AMercian Idol again this year. Already have one dude marked....the one from Boston who had cancer. What a voice!!!

Lewis' Birthday

Today we as a family all met at Logan's to celebrate Matt's,(Lewis) birthday. The list of guests included Beckey (Dump) Landon(Tooter)Paul(Sox)Kim,(Babe)Garry(Goob)Adam(Wad)Tera(TeraBug)Joey(Chip)Kip(Dip)Marybeth(Flo)Daddy(Fredo)and Shaina(Shirley). We had a big Yee Yaw birthday. Lewis was 25 years old. What a guy. He had a "gig" in Muscle Shoals tonight playing at JD's. He is one heck of a drummer, guitar player, banjo player and now he is taking up the fiddle. Good Luck Lewis. We Love the Heck outta ya.

Paul and I later went to Huntsville to get Paul some more wife beaters(undershirts for you straight folks)and socks since I cleaned out his sock drawer and threw away only the ones with holes in them....which turned out to be ALL of them. You should see his drawers...they are truly blessed. HOLY!! That is next. We came back and went to Ruby Tuesday for some spinach dip. Not nearly as good as the Cheesecake Factory. Didn't even give you any sour cream or salsa to mix in it. But we choked it down and came home. Frog drowning rain going on outside so I think I will go read my book....Sara's Quilt. Love those pioneer rough and yet so sweet...reminds me of me.

Days at the Farm

Last Tuesday I went out to the farm and stayed until this past Sunday. I did a lot of sewing and I worked on my scrapbook. Thursday I decided I would fly back in and get Tooter from school and keep him until his mom got home from work. We went to eat at the Crack and then I went back to the farm. Takes about 45 minutes to get there from the house. Paul and I went to Riccatoni's Saturday night for a birthday get together for Space Buggy (or Ben from the cabin). After we ate dinner we went across the street to a place called On The Rocks (Ithink) and drank beer til the band showed up and then us old folks left for home.
It rained so much at the farm, the stream in the pasture over flowed into the pond that was also overflowing. We got home yesterday afternoon and went to the grocery and by Chip's place. We got to watching the play off ballgame for the Super Bowl. It went into over time so we hung around to see who would win. I think Paul was hoping that New Orleans would win....he got his wish.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My Buddy

Today was a holiday so school was out. Tooter spent the night with me so he could sleep late this morning and not have to get up with his mom and come over at the crack. We stayed up last night and watched Superman. He had not seen Superman before and he was really excited about the discovery. I had to dig out all of Chip's Superman movies today so he could watch them. We went to eat lunch at Zaxby's and came right home to continue watching more Superman.
Uncle Chip came by this afternoon and explained a lot of details and answered questions about Superman. He actually told Tooter that HE was Superman. He dug out his old cape (the one with the safety pin that I keep in a box with all his other superhero capes) and attempted to fly off the couch...telling Tooter that Superman really does not let any one know his real identity and therefore he was not able to fly at this time. I don't know if Tooter swallowed any of that or not. I sort of doubt it. It was good to see Chip with his old cape on though and remember all the times he jumped off of chairs, beds, tables and whatever, trying to get lift off.
Tooter went home tonight after we ate dinner at the Crack. Seems so quiet here after he leaves. He brings so much life and fun to this house again. Maybe this was another "best day of his life" day with Sissy.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

School's Out

Tonight Tooter is spending the night with Sissy. He has decided to sleep in the T.V. room. Got all his clothes laid out on the couch and his DS games lined up on the floor...ready to go in the morning....probably daylight. He wants Poppy to sleep in here on the floor while he sleeps on the couch. I am sure he will change his mind when I turn out the lights. He is sitting here in the floor surrounded by all kinds of castles while Super Heros are flying all over the room. You never know he is around except that he lets off a little gas every now and then which causes him to run around the room squealing and jumping like a monkey, gives me a high five and goes back to what he was doing. Nothing like a little gas to bring out the true happiness in a person. That's my boy.

The Birthday

We,as in the family, all went to Logan's Steak House yesterday to celebrate Lewis' birthday. He is 25 years old. Man...wish I was 25 again and know what I know now. I would probably be a movie star or country singer (if I could sing). Anyway good time was had by all. The guest list included: Dump (Beckey) Tooter (Landon) Sox (Paul) Babe (Kim) Goob (Garry) Wad (Adam) Terabug (Tera) Chip (Joey) Flo (MaryBeth) Fredo (Daddy) Lewis, of course (Matt) and Shirley (Shaina). Most of the people we know have nicknames...If they don't, they soon will. Lewis had a "gig" in Muscle Shoals with his band afterwards and I heard did a mag' job. Love you Lewis

Me and Sox headed to Huntsville after the get together to shop a little and return some things. Sox had to have more Wife Beaters (tshirts for you regular folks) and socks. I had thrown out all his socks with holes in them, which turned out to be ALL OF THEM. You should see his drawers (bvd"s)...really blessed ones! Then we went to Ruby Tuesdays and had spinach dip and water...came home and ate Rolaids until we went to bed. Good to get old. What a night. hee hee