I can not begin to tell you how much fun I have had visiting my wonderful and talented son, Josh and his lovely and just as talented wife, Kimmie. Main thing is we have ate somewhere wonderful every night that I have been here. Olive Garden, Mimi's, and Cracker Barrel to mention a few. Tomorrow Kimmie is having a Pampered Chef party here at the house, where I hope to buy a few more kitchen essentials that will make me "look" like a really wonderful cook. I keep telling myself someday I might actually use some of the gadgets I have in my kitchen. I thought, by buying these things, it might make cooking more appealing to me. That has not happened. I would rather dig a six foot ditch than cook.
Anyway, Kimmie took me on a tour of the Old Historic Lanark Home that has been somewhat restored. So interesting. You could just feel the spirits moving around in that place. BOO!!!
The original Lanark home began as a log cabin built by Peyton Bibb in 1827. The house passed to the Hall family, who continued to enlarge and expand the original building. In the late 1920s, Dr. Charles Thigpen, Wiley Hill’s grandfather, purchased the property. It was then passed down through the generations to Wiley and Isabel, who tended, improved, and expanded Lanark, bringing it to its present state.
WE saw many interesting items that have been dug up out there....like old farm tools, hand water pump, a real "butter house", a biscuit table with a hand turning dough smasher (you might should see the pictures that follow), an old ice chest, very old kitchen sink, claw foot bath tub, etc. The anvil was stolen so if you have any information regar

ding the anvil, please contact AWF. It was sitting on the rock under the tree where I am sitting in the following pictures.
Really interesting place. You should take a day and visit.
Kimmie, as you know, works

out there in the "Big House" for Alabama Wildlife where

she enjoys a wild life work

ing on the magazine and lots of oth

er exciting projects.
O.K. well more to come tomorrow. I know you can't wait to hear what I buy at the Pampered Chef

party so come back!