The day started off pretty good at Huntsville Surgery Center. They took me right in and got all the paper work done. Took me right on back to my little suite complete with a little T.V. Got my IV all hooked up, did an EKG and left....for FIVE hours. No one even stuck their head in my curtain to see if I was still there except when I psssst a passerby to let me out of my bed so I could go pee. Which I had to do four times before they came to get me for the actual surgery. Paul went to get a sandwich around 12 thinking they would be coming to get me around my scheduled time 12:30 and was waiting patiently out in the waiting room for information. Around 2:30 I sent the nurse out to tell him I hadn't even gone into surgery yet. He came back to my suite about the time they actually did come to get me. Then No ONE went to tell him I was out of surgery and o.k. I was in recovery for over an hour and he was thinking I was still in surgery and perhaps something was wrong. He kept asking at the desk but no one seemed to know where I was. We finally got home around 6:00 last night. I really don't understand why I had to be at the Center by 10:00 with my surgery scheduled at 12:30 and then they don't come to get me until 3:00 and on top of all that I had nothing to eat or drink since 10:00 the night before.
Yea, I really am impressed with the health care we have now.
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