Monday, April 5, 2010

Cool Oscar

Josh and Kimmie have several dogs who travel with them whenever they come home. Been that way ever since they moved from Decatur. We love Daisy, Emmy, Bo and Oscar. Oscar! Oscar is the latest addition to the family. And he is still pretty much in his "puppy" mode. Sunday, during all the Easter festivities, Oscar stayed busy running and ripping through the yard...making sure our yard was "bumble bee free". At one point Josh came out to throw a few sticks and balls for Oscar to "fetch". How he loves to run and fetch. Oscar, not Josh! It must of been a little to hot for him though because he was determined to take a cool dip.....somewhere!!!! I have a little red tub that I used to ice down drinks sometimes and I had put it in the yard to use as a big water bowl for the dogs. Apparently Oscar decided he could cool his paws and THE REST OF HIM in that bowl and did not even begin to consider the conflicting size of his body and the bowl. I guess it turned out to be a good idea, as you can see, it caught on pretty quick. gotta love him.

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