Sunday, April 11, 2010


What is the difference in a fiddle and a violin? Lewis, as we have always called him (why I don't know) is my nephew. He has started taking "fiddle" lessons. His teacher says he is a natural. Yeah!!! A Natural Nut!!! As you see him here, he is playing Mary Had A Little Lamb. Did a heck of a job too. And after only one lesson. We were all very impressed. It is not an easy instrument to play. Lots of things to think about. Lewis also plays the guitar and the banjo. Sings really good too. My favorite songs that he does are Long Black Train, Long Black Veil, Long Black Limousine and Mama Used To Whoop Me With a George Jones Album. Actually Lewis hasn't learned that last one but I am encouraging him to add that one to his repertoire. He performs most weekend nights on Anderson Creek throughout the summer months. If you happen to be cruising by, fishing or just boat riding and hear the music, stop in and listen a while. I think Lewis is going to be a "Fiddle" player and not a violin player.

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