Monday, June 21, 2010


This past Sunday we had a get together at Adam's house for Father's Day. He grilled his famous beef tenderloin that is deeeelicious! That boy should have been a chef or at least a good fry cook somewhere. Flo(MaryBeth) made her wonderful Nanner Pudding...Daddy took what was left over home with him. Dump (Beckey) even made Dirty Rice AND it turned out good. We got started around 4:00 in the afternoon and closed up around 10:00. We had the rare but wonderful presence of our oldest son Josh, who was on his way through to Nashville. Kimmie was puking sick so she didn't make it. Feel better Kimmie! Little Lewis (Matt) and his wife Shirley (Shaina) were able to be there also. They work the graveyard shift and it is hard for them to attend some of our events. We were also blessed with Joey and TeraBug....Tera works the graveyard shift also. Anyway the only father's we had were Paul and Dad....two Dandy Dads. Daddy *Fredo* is still as goofy as he always has been. Most people remember Daddy and his wonderful "goofyness" when he modeled my mother's swimsuit at one of our Family Reunions. We all were so proud! We love you Dad...One of a KIND!

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