Monday, June 21, 2010

A Week With Josh and Kimmie

A week ago Paul drove me down to Montgomery to stay with Josh and Kimmie. We got there on Saturday and spent the night. The next morning Paul got up and hurriedly got ready to leave before anyone changed their minds about me staying on for the week. I worked around the house everyday moving and rearranging stuff so Josh and Kimmie can't find anything. That way they have to call every day or so and say "Mom where is our...."?
Kimmie goes to work at AWF early every morning but Josh doesn't have to be at the radio station until 12:00 every day. He usually spends the morning writing his column for the newspaper. A couple of days I rode in with him and dropped him off at the radio station and I went shopping until he finished at 2:00. Then we would knock around a little while, if he didn't have a meeting or something to do for work, waiting for Kimmie to get home to eat dinner. We went to Jim n Nicks, Outback, Olive Garden, and Sa Za's or something like that...a pizza place downtown Montgomery.
We painted one of the bedrooms that Kimmie is turning into a office/craft room. She is really a talented designer. They both are busy busy people. They are entertaining and energetic. I really enjoy being with them.
As you probably can tell, Paul and I are very proud of all our children.

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