Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tooter's First Field Day

Tooter is in kindergarten and this was his first time to participate in Field Day at his school. Good ole Field Day. The Sack Race. The Three Legged Race, Tug o War. They didn't have any of that for kindergarten. Had those blow up bouncy things and blow up races, no ribbons, no squalling cause you didn't win a ribbon, no cheering your classmates on. What is going to happen to these kids? Look at Tooter drinking his water like he just ran the 220 relay race. He had just kicked a ball and ran after it, picked it up and brought it back to where he kicked it from. It was a challenge. Wore him smack out. They had a snack trailer with pop corn and drinks. The kids were only out there for about an hour but I guess they needed refreshment. Remember when we were kids and sat out on our "brought from home" towels all day in the hot sun watching race after race. We might have had a grape or cherry popsicle before we all went back into our classroom stinking like sweating horses, red faced, with our hair plastered down on our heads from sweat. Some of us had puked we got so hot after running our race. But we didn't care. Had rope burns for three days on our hands from Tug o War. Half of Tooter's class checked out and went home after they had jumped in the jumping tent. Used to be that was the only day we had everybody at school and no one would have thought about going home before the day was over. Now that was Field Day. What has happened?

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