Saturday, May 8, 2010

Johny 8,9,10 Golf Benefit 2010

This huge golf benefit was held this past Friday for Johny Etienne at the Point Mallard Golf Course. It started early that morning and lasted until late that evening with with more than 150 so called golfers playing. It was a beautiful day for the tournament. One group of golf teams played in the morning and one group played in the afternoon. I am not sure who won in either division. It was a tournament mostly done up for our wonderful friends Johny and show our love and support for them and their family. I know if anyone made a hole in one they would have won a tractor from Case Tractor in Tanner Alabama. Do golfers make holes in one out on a golf course? I hardly ever made a hole in one at the Putt Putt. By the way that is Josh and Adam with their dad, Paul and their grand dad, Fredo. Those four made up a team. I can just imagine how that went. I think Josh ran their golf cart into Adam and Paul on the first hole. It was all "pay backs" after that....and lots of laughs.

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