Monday, May 17, 2010
Dad...Another Year Older
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tooter's First Field Day
Johny 8,9,10 Golf Benefit 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sleeping Horses
That is Lady, our beautiful Quarter Horse. She was five years old when we stumbled upon her in Auburn Alabama. Some guy had dumped her off at this lady's farm and never came back. She is a sweety even though she is a mare and can be moody. She has calmed down a lot since the early days when she first came to live with us. We could never catch her. One day when we were going on a trail ride, it took four guys to run her down and get a rope on her. Now she just walks up and gets her halter on and waits to be saddled.
Pud is the baby and the "cut up". He is a Saddle Horse which means his gait is a little more bouncey but nothing near as bad as a Quarter Horse. Pud is a sweetheart all around. He sees Paul's white truck coming down the road and he takes off to meet him at the gate. He loves for you to throw your arms around his neck and love on him. And he would stand for hours and let me brush him if I would do it. He loves to nip Lady on the butt and take off running to make her chase him. When we first got him, he was afraid to let anyone touch his ears so it was almost impossible to get his halter or bridle on. Now he lowers his head and gets his halter on with no problem. Takes lots of time and patience with horses because they are so scared of everything.
No Bo is my baby. My baby. I have had Bo the longest. Bo is a Tennessee Walking Horse. Your butt will not bounce at all when riding, even at a trot. And he could probably out run Lady's full gallop just in his walking trot. He is long legged and he takes long strides. Bo is the same today as he was a year ago and will be the same a year from now. He is steady. He has never had a problem getting his halter on, coming to me, grooming or riding. He takes care of me when we are riding. If he stops when we are riding, I always wait to see what he is checking out...and there is always something that has gotten his attention. He is careful. He doesn't like to get his feet wet. He stops at a creek or ditch and then tiptoes across. Or he will try to jump across. I love this picture of him laying down with his feet tucked up under him. Hard to think of him weighing about a thousand pounds when I look at this picture. There will never be another horse like Bo. He even smells different than the other horses. I love all our horses but Bo was my first love and he will be my last.
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