Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gracefully Growing Older

This is me. Do I look different? This is a span of about four years. Only thing I can see is hairdoo changes. Color looks about the same although I do change it every other month. And you can't tell by the pictures that my body is wearing out slowly but surely. Is that not the way it is supposed to be. We seem to think we are to live forever and act like we are 16 every day doing it. Why not accept the fact and grow old in grace. Try looking like your age. I always thought Kathryn Hepburn was cool because she never tried to look "younger" and acted the age she was. Growing older can be really neat if you can get past all the drama of aging. I don't particularly like that my face droops and my arms flap like a bird's wings. I also look like Frankenstein trying to walk on these arthritic knees. But what you can't see is that I have changed on the inside and for the better. I have never been more confident or at ease with myself. I don't desire to be someone else that is more beautiful or popular. Most all those beautiful popular folks are just like me now....wrinkled and old. I appreciate things of life more than ever. I enjoy the little things that I used to completely overlook. And I think most things are FUNNY. Don't you? Why wouldn't you? Look at your family and the idiots that are intertwined amongst everybody. Look at the news everyday and the idiots that grab the headlines. Look at politics and the idiots running the country thinking they have it all. You have to laugh or drive yourself nuts worrying about it. After all in the end everybody croaks and leaves behind all the idiots of the world still being idiots.

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