Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Catching Up

Long time no see uh? I actually forgot about blogging. I need to remember to do this. Lots of things have happened over the past few months. First of all, summer flew by. Why is that? We are so busy enjoying every smothering day and night we lose track of time. There are so many more things to do in the summer. Just going to the backyard is an event. We went to the cabin almost every weekend. The boys came up more this year than in the past several years. Even Josh and Kimmie came and spent a night or two. We cooked, floated, rode on the jet ski and the pontoon. Good times. This coming summer, there are some more "projects" that will need doing.
We sort of took a break from all those chores this year.

Nancy and Hollis brought Mamaw Moon up a couple of times. Mamaw went out on the boat with us one afternoon and if that cloud had not come up, she might have had to get in the water and floated. It was hot. Hollis saved up lots of words of course and kept us all entertained.

We had Mamaw Moon's 90th birthday party this fall. It was in Centre Alabama at the Education Building. Lots of food and fun and lots of folks came out to wish her Happy Birthday. She is a very special person. Always has been...to me.

We have done lots of upkeep to the house this summer. Painted the outside, put down new flooring in the "Love Nest", got a new fireplace in the "Love Nest". The "Love Nest" needed a redo. Oh and got a new recliner for Booch.

I got a new doggy too. Newton. He is a Maltese. So sweet. Follows me every where I go all day long. Of course Molly and Doodle are still around and spoiled rotten. They all have on their little dresses and bows in the hair right now. It is getting cooler and I don't want them to get a chill.

Well this isn't my usual style of blog but I just wanted to keep a record of happenings. Before I forgot.

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