Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Baby is Married

About a week ago my baby Chip (Joey) and sweet little Tera were married in St. Thomas. They went alone, stayed a week, and had a wonderful time. They were married on the beach. Tera said it was really hot and they hurried to get out of their wedding attire so they could jump in the pool. They missed their flight back home and had to purchase new tickets....which was not cheap. Bless their little hearts. They had a nice reception/party the Saturday night after they returned home. The band was great. The food was wonderful. And the friends and family were as usual....nuts.
Me and Sox are so proud of Chip and Tera. They have a lovely home, beautiful yard, good jobs (that counts for a double) and have started a sweet wonderful life together. Best of luck and love to you both.

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