Sunday, January 24, 2016

2016 Got Here In A Hurry

Its hard to believe that I did not blog in 2015!  It was an uneventful year as far as drama!  And thank goodness for that.  Booch has retired and we have done a couple of trips out west.  First one was last January when we drove with Chip and Tera to New Mexico.  We stayed with them a few days and decided to head out to Californua...I mean we were so close.  We were gone about three weeks and had a great time.  So great we decided to try it again this past  fall when we went back out west but more north west.  We saw Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Utah and Missouri.  Those were the main stops.  Ghost towns...nothing for us to drive 100 miles to see a ghost town.  The big cities don't seem to capture our interest as much as these ghost towns.  And my biggest thrill was seeing the trails that the pioneers traveled going west to find their fortune.  Also, I enjoyed seeing the Laura Ingalls Wilder homes in Missouri, South Dakota and Kansas.  I would strongly advise people to see Utah..the whole state!  It's beautiful.  We were thinking of doing another trip this year...maybe to the northeast but the more we think about it the more we want to going back out west.  Not very many ghost towns in the northeast. And that does seem to be our draw.