Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 They Year From Hell

Dad passed away October 30, 2013 at Decatur General Hospital.  Me and Beckey by his side when he took his last breath.  He had not talked or opened his eyes for about a week.  I don't remember much of what happened the next couple of weeks. We went through all the motions of losing someone we loved dearly.  Things remind me of him every day.  I keep thinking he will walk through the door any minute.  When we go somewhere I  think of calling him to see if he wants to go with us.  I think about checking on him every day.  I have not erased his number from my phone.  I can still see his his goofy grin, especially with his teeth out.  I miss him.

The year 2013 was a miserable year.  Lost my horse.  Lost a dog.  Lost my dad, an aunt and my sweet niece.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was almost more than a person could bear.  But you know what?  I did.  I have cried more in the past few months than I have in years.  I have cleansed my body and my soul.  I have prayed more than I have in years.  God has sustained me through so much heartbreak.  I have been blessed through all this believe it or not.  My precious family came together and we took care of each other and lifted each other up from the depths of hell itself.  I was not aware of the love and support that was around me until it poured out all around me.  My children, my sisters, my sweet husband, my extended family, the Moon family...all full of love and concern for me and for Dad.  Nothing but encouraging words from every where.  I love all of you so much and appreciate you more than you know.

I had remarked several times that 2013 would be a jinxed year because of the 13.  Little did I know how that would come true.  As 2014 approached it seemed like I could feel the black cloud begin to disappear.
I am looking forward to this new year.  New beginnings.  New ideas and things to do.  Paul will be retiring this year and we hope to do some traveling and just hanging out.  Not having to worry about getting home to go to work or be some where.  Just go fishing all day.  Hang out at the cabin or the farm and fool with the horses and all our dogs.  I hate the sadness that filled this past year but I have learned so much.  The most important thing is to stop stressing about "anything".  Things will work the way it is supposed to.  There is a  time to live and a time to die.  A time to be sad and a time to laugh.  I think I am due a time to laugh right now.