Monday, December 31, 2012

December 31 2012, New Year's Eve on a Monday night.  Flo cooked up some steak and taters down at Dad's tonight.  The house smelled like Mother with all that garlic and taters baking.  So many New Year's Eves we spent down at Mom and Dad's eating and playing games.  Laughing and sitting around the table.  Mother and Daddy smoking like chimneys and we thought nothing of it.  When the boys were little we would come  home and they would shoot bottle rockets in the street with their daddy.  I know the neighbors loved that.  We had a dog that puked whenever he heard loud pops so needless to say, had that to clean up.  New Year's Eve is always depressing to me.  I guess I have a hard time letting go and moving forward.  Tomorrow I will be fine but  tonight I feel down in the mouth...I guess that means depressed....Mother used that term all the time. 

Tooter and his little friends came over tonight and it was loud and funny like old times when the boys were home.  Flo is spending the night and we are sitting in the living room looking like some old farts waiting for the ball to drop.  We do have a toddy to keep us cheered up and anticipating the coming year.  Hope everyone has a good one and makes it home tonight without acting to much like an idiot.  Happy Happy Happy New Year.