Sunday, November 14, 2010


Fall seems to bring out all the turds doesn't it? Football season opens and everybody goes least here in Alabama....if you are a supporter of the University of Alabama or Auburn University. And no where else are a state's people so hateful and critical to each other over two football teams. I don't understand why a person believes that THEY have actually accomplished something because their particular team as won a FOOTBALL GAME. It is really great for a team to win all their games but it doesn't mean a thing. After all there will be another game, another year, another win, another loss and another Championship. We idolize these football players who run up and down the field going NO where and paying them all kinds of money to do it and never give the deserving people in the world a second thought. Deserving people being men and women in the military fighting for the freedom of the country and getting paid a small fraction of what an athelete makes. Not to mention people who devote their lives helping less fortunate people in devastating situations....for instance rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina. There is something really wrong here.
I like football games and the excitement of a game but when it is over I don't really think about it again. I sure don't base my life on whether or not MY team wins the championship for the year. I support my team whether they win, lose, or don't even show up again. Who cares?
It is a game folks! Grow up and put your priorities in a "mature" place!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another Tiger on the Rise

This fall we have played a lot of the backyard as well as in Auburn, Alabama. Tooter thinks he will be a football player at Auburn a few years from now. Notice the orange and blue he is wearing and the Auburn football. How does a six year old decide if he is an Auburn or Alabama fan? Maybe it is the family influence. But then why am I an Auburn fan and my brother is Alabama....same family. Paul is Alabama and I, again, am Auburn but all the boys are Auburn....same family. I think it may be the colors....we just like orange and blue better than red and white. Tigers are better sounding than The Tide. War Eagle is catchier than Roll Tide. And a flying Eagle is more impressive than a fat elephant. It has to be those things. Both schools are exceptional in academics....does that count for anything? Both places are beautiful....does that matter? And both are loads of fun if you are lucky enough to go to school at one or the other. Yeah has to be the other stuff that is the influence. Anyway Tooter has been after that Auburn football position for six whole years now and doesn't seem to be backing off any. And you know he doesn't even write with a red crayon unless his teacher makes him. You go little Aubie.....WAR EAGLE!!! Oh yeah and that is Alabama, Roll Tide Poppy helping him along.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bankhead Hike

Sunday, Paul and I took Tooter on an adventure in Bankhead Forest. We stopped along the road and Paul got out with Tooter to climb up a steep little hill. It was slippery so they had to put forth a little effort to get to the top. Once they got up they discovered a small cave. Tooter didn't want to go in it though. Then we found a spring and a pipe that ran the water out. Of course Tooter had to take a swig of that but he said it just tasted like "regular" water. We saw a deer standing by the road. No snakes, thank goodness. I guess they are finding a winter hole by now.
Later we stopped at Pine Torch Church. It was built in the 1800's. Cool building with old wooden pews and floor. I can't imagine church goers sitting on those for long these days. There was a very old graveyard there also. Lots of infant graves and tombstones so old the writing was gone. There were lots of Confederate soilder graves too. Tooter loves old graveyards and buildings. Here are some pictures of the day.